Title: | Viewscape Analysis |
Description: | A collection of functions to make R a more effective viewscape analysis tool for calculating viewscape metrics based on computing the viewable area for given a point/multiple viewpoints and a digital elevation model.The method of calculating viewscape metrics implemented in this package are based on the work of Tabrizian et al. (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103704>. The algorithm of computing viewshed is based on the work of Franklin & Ray. (1994) <https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=555780f6f5d7e537eb1edb28862c86d1519af2be>. |
Authors: | Xiaohao Yang [aut, cre, cph], Nathan Fox [aut], Derek Van Berkel [aut], Mark Lindquist [aut] |
Maintainer: | Xiaohao Yang <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.0.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 06:03:04 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/land-info-lab/viewscape |
The calculate_diversity function is designed to calculate landscape diversity metrics within a viewshed. It takes as input a land cover raster, a viewshed object representing the observer's line of sight, and an optional parameter to compute class proportions.
calculate_diversity(viewshed, land, proportion = FALSE)
calculate_diversity(viewshed, land, proportion = FALSE)
viewshed |
Viewshed object. |
land |
Raster. The raster of land use/land cover representing different land use/cover classes. |
proportion |
logical (Optional), indicating whether to return class proportions along with the Shannon Diversity Index (SDI). (default is FALSE). |
List. a list containing the Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) and, if the proportion parameter is set to TRUE, a table of class proportions within the viewshed.
library(viewscape) # Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600) # load landuse raster test_landuse <- terra::rast(system.file("test_landuse.tif", package ="viewscape")) diversity <- viewscape::calculate_diversity(output, test_landuse)
library(viewscape) # Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600) # load landuse raster test_landuse <- terra::rast(system.file("test_landuse.tif", package ="viewscape")) diversity <- viewscape::calculate_diversity(output, test_landuse)
The calculate_feature function is designed to extract specific feature-related information within a viewshed. It allows you to compute the proportion of the feature that is present in the viewshed.
calculate_feature(viewshed, feature, type, exclude_value)
calculate_feature(viewshed, feature, type, exclude_value)
viewshed |
Viewshed object. |
feature |
Raster. Land cover or land use |
type |
Numeric. The input type of land cover raster. type=1: percentage raster (that represents the percentage of area in each cell). type=2: binary raster (that only uses two values to represent whether the feature exists in each cell). |
exclude_value |
Numeric. the value of those cells need to be excluded in the analysis. If type = 2, exclude_value is reqired. |
Numeric. The canopy area in the viewshed.
library(viewscape) # Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # load canopy raster test_canopy <- terra::rast(system.file("test_canopy.tif", package ="viewscape")) # calculate the percentage of canopy coverage test_canopy_proportion <- viewscape::calculate_feature(viewshed = viewshed, feature = test_canopy, type = 2, exclude_value = 0)
library(viewscape) # Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # load canopy raster test_canopy <- terra::rast(system.file("test_canopy.tif", package ="viewscape")) # calculate the percentage of canopy coverage test_canopy_proportion <- viewscape::calculate_feature(viewshed = viewshed, feature = test_canopy, type = 2, exclude_value = 0)
The calculate_viewmetrics function is designed to compute a set of configuration metrics based on a given viewshed object and optionally, digital surface models (DSM) and digital terrain models (DTM) for terrain analysis. The function calculates various metrics that describe the visibility characteristics of a landscape from a specific viewpoint.The metrics include:
Extent: The total area of the viewshed, calculated as the number of visible grid cells multiplied by the grid resolution
Depth: The furthest visible distance within the viewshed from the viewpoint
Vdepth: The standard deviation of distances to visible points, providing a measure of the variation in visible distances
Horizontal: The total visible horizontal or terrestrial area within the viewshed
Relief: The standard deviation of elevations of the visible ground surface
Skyline: The standard deviation of the vertical viewscape, including visible canopy and buildings, when specified
Number of patches: Visible fragmentation measured by total visible patches with the viewscape
Mean shape index: Visible patchiness based on average perimeter-to-area ratio for all viewscape patches (vegetation and building)
Edge density: A measure of visible complexity based on the length of patch edges per unit area
Patch size: Total average size of a patches over the entire viewscape area
Patch density: Visible landscape granularity based on measuring patch density
Shannon diversity index: The abundance and evenness of land cover/use in a viewshed
Proportion of object: Proportion of a single type of land use or cover in a viewshed
calculate_viewmetrics(viewshed, dsm, dtm, masks = list())
calculate_viewmetrics(viewshed, dsm, dtm, masks = list())
viewshed |
Viewshed object. |
dsm |
Raster, Digital Surface Model for the calculation of |
dtm |
Raster, Digital Terrain Model |
masks |
List, a list including rasters of canopy and building footprints. For example of canopy raster, the value for cells without canopy should be 0 and the value for cells with canopy can be any number. |
Tabrizian, P., Baran, P.K., Berkel, D.B., Mitásová, H., & Meentemeyer, R.K. (2020). Modeling restorative potential of urban environments by coupling viewscape analysis of lidar data with experiments in immersive virtual environments. Landscape and Urban Planning, 195, 103704.
# Load in DSM test_dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load DTM test_dtm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dtm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load canopy raster test_canopy <- terra::rast(system.file("test_canopy.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load building footprints raster test_building <- terra::rast(system.file("test_building.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load in the viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = test_dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600) # calculate metrics given the viewshed, canopy, and building footprints test_metrics <- viewscape::calculate_viewmetrics(output, test_dsm, test_dtm, list(test_canopy, test_building))
# Load in DSM test_dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load DTM test_dtm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dtm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load canopy raster test_canopy <- terra::rast(system.file("test_canopy.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load building footprints raster test_building <- terra::rast(system.file("test_building.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Load in the viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = test_dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600) # calculate metrics given the viewshed, canopy, and building footprints test_metrics <- viewscape::calculate_viewmetrics(output, test_dsm, test_dtm, list(test_canopy, test_building))
The compute_viewshed function is designed for computing viewsheds, which are areas visible from specific viewpoints, based on a Digital Surface Model (DSM). It provides flexibility for single or multi-viewpoint analyses and allows options for parallel processing, raster output, and plotting.
compute_viewshed( dsm, viewpoints, offset_viewpoint = 1.7, offset_height = 0, r = NULL, refraction_factor = 0.13, method = "plane", parallel = FALSE, workers = 1, raster = FALSE, plot = FALSE )
compute_viewshed( dsm, viewpoints, offset_viewpoint = 1.7, offset_height = 0, r = NULL, refraction_factor = 0.13, method = "plane", parallel = FALSE, workers = 1, raster = FALSE, plot = FALSE )
dsm |
Raster, the digital surface model/digital elevation model |
viewpoints |
sf point(s) or vector including x,y coordinates of a viewpoint or a matrix including several viewpoints with x,y coordinates |
offset_viewpoint |
numeric, setting the height of the viewpoint. (default is 1.7 meters). |
offset_height |
numeric, setting the height of positions that a given viewpoint will look at. (defaut is 0) |
r |
Numeric (optional), setting the radius for viewshed analysis. (The default is 1000m/3281ft) |
refraction_factor |
Number, indicating the refraction factor. The refraction factor adjusts the effect of atmospheric refraction on the apparent curvature of the Earth. In most standard applications, a refraction factor of 0.13 is used, and so does this function. However, the appropriate refraction factor may vary depending on environmental conditions. |
method |
Character, The algorithm for computing a viewshed: "plane" and "los" (see details). "plane" is used as default. |
parallel |
Logical, (default is FALSE) indicating if parallel computing should be used to compute viewsheds of multiview points. When it is TRUE, arguements 'raster' and 'plot' are ignored |
workers |
Numeric, indicating the number of CPU cores that will be used for parallel computing. It is required if 'parallel' is 'TRUE'. |
raster |
Logical, (default is FALSE) if it is TRUE, the raster of viewshed will be returned. The default is FALSE |
plot |
Logical, (default is FALSE) if it is TRUE, the raster of viewshed will be displayed |
For method, "plane" is the reference plane algorithm introduced by Wang et al. (2000) and "los" is the line of sight algorithm (Franklin & Ray, 1994). The reference plane algorithm can be more time-efficient than the line of sight algorithm, whereas the accuracy of the line of sight is better.
Raster or list. For single-viewpoint analysis, the function returns either a raster (raster is TRUE) or a viewshed object. Value 1 means visible while value 0 means invisible. For multi-viewpoint analysis, a list of viewsheds is returned.
Franklin, W. R., & Ray, C. (1994, May). Higher isn’t necessarily better: Visibility algorithms and experiments. In Advances in GIS research: sixth international symposium on spatial data handling (Vol. 2, pp. 751-770). Edinburgh: Taylor & Francis.
Wang, J., Robinson, G. J., & White, K. (2000). Generating viewsheds without using sightlines. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, 66(1), 87-90.
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600)
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed output <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6, r = 1600)
The fov_mask function is designed to subset a viewshed based on its viewpoint and the field of view
fov_mask(viewshed, fov)
fov_mask(viewshed, fov)
viewshed |
viewshed object, generated by compute_viewshed() |
fov |
Vector, specifying the field of view with two angles in degree (e.g. c(10,100)) for masking a viewshed based on its viewpoints. See details. |
For defining the field of view ('fov'), angles range from 0 to 360 degrees, with 0 inclusive and 360 exclusive. The initial angle must be smaller than the terminal angle in the sequence c(a,b) (a < b). To capture the northeast quadrant of a viewshed, one would use c(0,90), while the eastern quadrant would be delineated by c(45,315) as shown below:
135 | 90 | 45 |
180 | v | 0 |
225 | 270 | 315 |
Here, 'v' represents the viewpoint, with angles measured counterclockwise from due north.
viewshed object
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # subset viewshed using the field of view out <- viewscape::fov_mask(viewshed, c(40,160))
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # subset viewshed using the field of view out <- viewscape::fov_mask(viewshed, c(40,160))
A viewshed
object contains a 'matrix' of visible and invisible area,
resolution, extent, and crs
This function is still in progress. Visual Magnitude quantifies the extent of a visible region as perceived by an observer. It is derived from the surface's slope and angle features, alongside the observer's relative distance from the area (Chamberlain & Meitner).
visual_magnitude(viewshed, dsm)
visual_magnitude(viewshed, dsm)
viewshed |
Viewshed object. |
dsm |
Raster, the digital surface / elevation model |
Chamberlain, B. C., & Meitner, M. J. (2013). A route-based visibility analysis for landscape management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111, 13-24.
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # Compute visual magnitude vm <- viewscape::visual_magnitude(viewshed, dsm)
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) # Compute viewshed viewshed <- viewscape::compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # Compute visual magnitude vm <- viewscape::visual_magnitude(viewshed, dsm)
The visualize_viewshed function is designed for the visualization of a viewshed analysis, providing users with various options for visualizing the results. The function works with a viewshed object and offers multiple plotting and output types.
visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "", outputtype = "")
visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "", outputtype = "")
viewshed |
Viewshed object |
plottype |
Character, specifying the type of visualization ("polygon" or "raster"). |
outputtype |
Character, specifying the type of output object ("raster" or "polygon"). |
Visualized viewshed as either a raster or polygon object, depending on the outputtype specified.
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed viewshed <- compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # Visualize the viewshed as polygons visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "polygon") # Visualize the viewshed as a raster visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "raster") # Get the visualized viewshed as a polygon object polygon_viewshed <- visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "polygon", outputtype = "polygon")
# Load a viewpoint test_viewpoint <- sf::read_sf(system.file("test_viewpoint.shp", package = "viewscape")) # load dsm raster dsm <- terra::rast(system.file("test_dsm.tif", package ="viewscape")) #Compute viewshed viewshed <- compute_viewshed(dsm = dsm, viewpoints = test_viewpoint, offset_viewpoint = 6) # Visualize the viewshed as polygons visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "polygon") # Visualize the viewshed as a raster visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "raster") # Get the visualized viewshed as a polygon object polygon_viewshed <- visualize_viewshed(viewshed, plottype = "polygon", outputtype = "polygon")